Bart & Laura Hill Book Scholarship

For Fall 2024. The Bart & Laura Hill Book Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student in any major. Must be a student in good standing enrolled in the ROTC Program at Idaho State University. Must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Recipients shall demonstrate a high degree of financial need, academic achievement, physical fitness, and must not be receiving other ROTC scholarships. Must participate in BOOK Bundle program in order to receive.

Bart & Laura Hill Book
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you enrolled in good standing in the ROTC Program at ISU and currently not receiving any other ROTC Scholarships?
  2. Are you participating in the ISU Book Bundle Program? The funds for this scholarship will be applied to the book bundle. You must say yes to this question in order to apply.
  3. STATEMENT: Provide an essay addressing your educational aims, chosen career, plans for accomplishment, leadership capabilities, need for this scholarship, and any other information or compelling life circumstances you consider to be pertinent. Please be aware that strong emphasis is placed on this section of the application by the selection committee. Be as complete as possible. 200-500 words is sufficient.