Intermountain Gas/MDU Resources Scholarship

For Academic Year 2023-2024. – The Intermountain Gas/MDU Resources Scholarship is awarded to a student in one of the following majors: Business, Economics, Finance, Land Management, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Technology, Human Resources, Energy and related disciplines that align with MDU Resources Group’s core business focus. The student must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class level with a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA at the time award is offered. Must be a U.S. citizen and Idaho resident who is within the Intermountain Gas Service Area. Preference given to students who are dependents of Intermountain Gas Employees. Students may be part-time or full-time (minimum of 6 credits).

Intermountain Gas
Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in one of the following majors/disciplines: Business, Economics, Finance, Land Management, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Technology, Human Resources, Energy?
  2. Are you a current student who is a dependant of an Intermountain Gas Employee?
  3. If yes, please provide name of employee(s):
  4. STATEMENT: Please address your educational aims, chosen career, plans for accomplishment, your need for this scholarship and any other information you consider to be pertinent. In addition please address your involvement in the community or campus organizations/services. Please be aware that strong emphasis is put by the selection committee on this section of the application. 200-500 words is sufficient.