Darren Dohme Scholarship

The scholarship is open to all students, including international students studying in the USA, who have a passion for their studies and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. It is an essay contest scholarship, with the topic of the essay varying each year to address current events, social issues, or academic subjects.
Students must be enrolled full time in a accredited college or university.
Only undergrad and graduate students can apply.
One entry per student; multiple entries will be ignored.
False or misleading information will result in automatic disqualification with no further notice.
Essay question
Tell me about several of your past jobs growing up and what you have learned from them? Could be anything from a 1-day job for a neighbor to working summer jobs while in high school and college.

Application and more information available at: https://darrendohmegrant.com.
Deadline: June 30, 2023
