Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation

RESF expects to award eighteen or more scholarships in 2025 based upon academic merit, accomplishments in the field, and demonstrated interest.

Three individual scholarships are reserved for a community college student, an undergraduate student, and an early graduate student, respectively. Two scholarships have a preference for Native American or Alaskan Native students and are not restricted to our “home” area. The remaining scholarships are available to students at any level.

Eligibility and Criteria
Applicants must ​be undergraduate or graduate students studying and preparing for careers in support of renewable energy and the decarbonization of our energy systems. There are no constraints on fields of study which can include science, engineering, law, business, public policy, social sciences, etc.

Areas of study and focus include:

all forms of renewable energy

grid evolution, modernization, energy storage, and flexibility

energy efficiency

electrification to replace fossil fuels

Students are eligible for the scholarship if they are studying:

at any college or university in our “home” area: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, or Alaska

at any college or university, and are from our home area

at any college or university and they are Native American or Alaskan Native

Submission Requirements
Pursuant to these requirements, applicants must submit:

This Data Sheet (Please see website)

A letter (not to exceed 3 pages) detailing your interests, academic pursuits, and career goals directed towards the field of renewable energy.


Academic transcripts (unofficial OK)

Two letters of recommendation, sent directly from the writer.

If you would like to be considered for a Diversity Scholarship, please include an extra page indicating how you qualify for that scholarship and describing any way (positive or negative) your specialness has affected your life/studies.

If you would like to be considered for the Morris or BNSF Scholarships for Native Americans or Alaskan Natives, please indicate your tribal affiliation.

Applicants may also include information about any awards, internships or other distinctions which demonstrate accomplishments in renewable energy.

Deadline: January 31, 2025

Application and more information at:
