Student Global Leadership Program Scholarship

Student Leadership Study Abroad Scholarship
A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to the first twenty (20) students who register/enroll in the Spain and Portugal trip through EF Tours. *Students who receive the scholarship must meet and agree to fulfill the following requirements. Failure to meet the mentioned requirements will result in the recipient refunding the entirety of the scholarship amount.*

• Have a cumulative 2.5 GPA.
• Be a full-time student during the 2017 Spring Semester.
• Attend all six (6) pre trip leadership seminars. (Seminar Dates: January 23, February 13 & 27, March 6, April 3 & 24)
• Participate in the Spain and Portugal Trip (May 11-23, 2017)

Student should go to the EF Tours website, enroll in the tour (#1823598TF), pay the required deposit and set up desired payment plan. The first twenty (20) students will be notified by ISU that they have received a $1,500 scholarship. If the quota for scholarships has been filled, the student will also be notified. _EF Tours trip deposit is not refundable_. Students should read all EF Tours refund and payment policies carefully before enrolling.

Please note: Due to the fact that students are receiving an ISU scholarship, all financial obligations to the University will be deducted from the scholarship amount before a change check is issued. This scholarship will be part of your total financial aid package.

For further program and trip information go to: www.isu/lead/sglp or
(Tour number: 1823598TF)
