DrugNews.net Scholarship

Scholarship opportunity for those students planning a career in drug research, or with family members affected by a permanent drug injury. The scholarships will award $1,000 to a deserving undergraduate student each semester; scholarships are for the 2016 Spring, Summer and Fall semesters .
In order to qualify, students must:
• be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident currently enrolled in an accredited college or university
• have completed at least 15 hours of undergraduate course work towards their degree
• write an essay and publish the essay on your personal university web page.
The essay should range from 400-600 words, and explain why you wish to pursue a career in drug research; or how the injury of a family member from a drug side effect has affected your educational goals.
deadlines for scholarships
Spring 2016 Scholarship – December 31, 2015
Summer 2016 Scholarship – April 30, 2016
Fall 2016 Scholarship – July 31, 2016
See website for further information and application.
