Humanitarian Scholarship

America’s Rehab Campuses is offering college students the opportunity to earn a scholarship in the fields of Behavioral Health or Social Services through its Humanitarian Scholarship program.
To be eligible students must be enrolled in a university of higher learning next year or currently enrolled at a collegiate institution in a program that culminates with a bachelor or graduate degree.
Essay requirements: Americas Rehab Campuses is looking for scholars who want to use their education to better lives of others. All scholarship applicants must compose a 500-word essay, double-spaced, revealing how these funds will help in your personal quest for higher learning. Please cite personal experiences that illustrate examples of humanitarian or philanthropic efforts in social settings for community service or health care. Include ideologies or people who have influenced your decision to pursue education and vocational aspirations in the health or human services field.
Deadline: November 30, 2018
Application and further information available at:
