Southern Idaho Section of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Scholarship

For Academic Year 2020-21. The Southern Idaho Section of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Physics who is performing studies or working at the Idaho Accelerator Center. Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, be an Idaho Resident and demonstrate financial need.

Southern Idaho Section of the American Society
College of Science and Engineering (COSE), Physics
Supplemental Questions
  1. Idaho Accelerator Center Question:
    • Are you performing studies or working at the Idaho Accelerator Center?
    • If "Yes", please briefly describe the studies or work you are doing at the Idaho Accelerator Center:
  2. STATEMENT: Provide an essay addressing your educational and career goals. Be aware that strong emphasis is placed on this section of the application by the selection committee. Be as complete as possible. 200-350 words is sufficient.